Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Katelyn Carlson

My heart goes out to the family of Katelyn Carlson, the 7th grader who died of anaphylaxis on Friday at school. She attended a public school in Chicago, and was known to have a peanut allergy. The cause of her allergy attack hasn't been released, and perhaps isn't known. It has been widely reported that the class was eating food ordered from a local restaurant, and some believe that may be the cause of her reaction, but another peanut allergic student was in the classroom and there has been no mention of that child having a reaction.

I wish I knew more about what precautions had been taken and what went wrong for Katelyn. I feel ill at ease, knowing that Sophie faces this danger every day at school, and even today playing at a friend's house. Food allergies don't take many lives, but any preventable death feels like a tragedy.

May the Carlson family and friends have peace at the Christmastime. Their daughter is surely in a better place.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Emily, it must be scary, as well as sad, to hear such stories...
